LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Dan Lauwers, R-Brockway Township, issued the following statement Friday on the disapproval by the Michigan Senate of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s appointee to the Natural Resources Commission:
“The Natural Resources Commission is an important body in this state that sets policy that has a significant impact on all Michiganders, especially those who hunt and fish.
“The Senate takes its role of reviewing appointments seriously. Like any hiring process, there is an interview — in our case through hearings in the Advice and Consent Committee. Each appointee is considered on his or her own merit based on submitted documents and the committee hearing process.
“The person the governor submitted for consideration had a resume that on the surface might indicate she was a great candidate for the job. She does have a background in natural resources.
“However, as with all such appointments, it is critical that we find the right person for this commission. During the initial and subsequent interviews of the candidate, it became apparent that the governor’s appointee would not be the right person to fill this role.
“I had concerns as to her ability to stand strong in holding the DNR accountable on controversial matters and not simply be a perennial ‘yes’ on the plans proposed by the department.
“Since the beginning of the administration we have reviewed more than 300 appointments by the governor, and until yesterday, all of those appointments have gone through. This latest appointee is the only rejection to date.
“Yesterday’s action was our only ‘no’ vote, and it was made after careful consideration. I believe we have made the best decision for Michigan in rejecting this candidate.
“We look forward to considering a new appointment by the governor who will be a strong voice for Michiganders on the Natural Resources Commission.”